

Wasabi (Mochifae Subtype)


The strongest Mochifae! They have large ears and a pointed shape. Looks similar to feral animals. 

Most Wasabi Types are slightly larger than other types (but that doesn't mean there aren't smaller Wasabi...).

They have a strong hunter's instinct. And is often relied on when friends are being attacked by wild monsters!!


Possible Wasabi's Ear Shapes


Possible Tail  Shapes


Sugar (Mochifae Subtype)


The most agile Mochifae! But technically they also have the most fragile bodies.

They have long ears. The tips of the ears are rounded, similar to rabbits. That makes their sense of hearing so great! 
Even the faintest sound could not escape their hearing.

Most of the time, they tend to be a supporter of their friends. both warning and sending news remotely with the advantage of their agility and hearing


Possible Sugar's Ear Shapes


Possible Tail  Shapes


Cheese (Mochifae Subtype)


The brilliant Mochifae! They have round ears similar to those of rodents or chinchillas. Sizes vary.

They are thinkers and inventors. Acts like the brains of the team. Although many times they can be a bit devious...

But at least you can rely on them in times of need!?


Possible Cheese's Ear Shapes

Possible Tail  Shapes


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